How it all begins (5)

 23022009077Deal with it

The weather was getting colder as night came. We walked back to our place with some groceries bags in our hands. Hm, first day in Sydney, wasn’t so bad at all. The people I met were nice, the place I stayed was comfort and other things were compromised. As I tucked myself into bed, I listed couple things I should do before I could really settle in and concentrate to study. I will have to get a new permanent place for at least 6 months stay. I will also need to open bank account, buy new Sim card and some winter jackets. That night I slept very well because I was so tired and the cold weather gave me comfort, yeah I started to love the winter of Sydney.

On the next day, I woke up in the morning while the sun had risen. I heard some noises in English outside. There were some people jogged and some already well-dressed walking to Campus. It was a beautiful day by the look of green scenery outside my window. After preparing myself and stuffs, I had breakfast in the dining hall.  My friends and I later walked to Campus for our Orientation day. Orientation day was an event run by University to introduce anything about student, campus facilities, enrollment and classes. We met some Indonesian friends just before the event started. We were happy to meet other Indonesians thus we shared some things for awhile since most of us were very new to Sydney.

It was a busy day full of new international students. They were mostly come from China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, and Hongkong. There were also students from Germany, Columbia, Mexico, America or other part of Europe. It was very difficult to find local-Australian who took master degree. The reason being was because most Australians are just satisfied to study until bachelor degree. Furthermore some are just prefer to study in skilled area courses. Hence they are not really concern of having high education since their most priority is to quickly earn money using skills and physical ability.

The rest of the days on first week were filled with activities of enrolling classes, picking the right units to study and other stuffs. As for me, my other concern was to look for a place. I had been looking via internet and many Ad posted in campus billboards. Merely last day of staying, I finally got a decent place to stay. Though the room was bit expensive, but it is near campus, very neat and clean. I shared two bed rooms unit with one Aussie guy and his girlfriend. It was a good and challenging start for me since I will experience to interact with local people while practicing my English.

And as weeks went by, the story continues. I begin to adapt and settled down in Sydney and university life. Attending classes, assignments, group discussions and self study were my major activities for the rest of the year. Trust me, it was not that easy to cope and gets used to absorb knowledge in class or from super thick books, to work on assignments and prepare for tests after you left the college world many years ago. Well this is what you wanted then deal with it!

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